Monday, January 10, 2011

Shanghai Scene

I don't know what it is with me...I feel like I am wearing a big sign that says "Hey! Have a girlfriend?? Lets get coffee and dinner!"

Dating in Shanghai is unique. Expat women tend to be attracted to expat men. Expat men tend to be attracted to expat women and Asian women. As you can see, the balance is a bit off and tends to fair a bit more positively for men. (I am making huge generalizations here). Not only do expat men have a larger pool to choose from, but the concept of "having a girlfriend" doesn't seem to carry as much weight here as it does back home per say. For example, in the past few months I have been out with a few different people (believe it or not), all who have waited until we are mid way through coffee, dinner, and even post dinner drinks, to tell me they have a girlfriend. Fair enough least they are being honest. But, it doesn't stop there. Uttering those words only appears to clear their conscious and make it easier for them as they all proceed to carry on the date and pretend like everything is Kosher.

Hear me now, loud and clear, when I say I am determined that one of these days I will find myself on a date with someone that in fact does not have a girlfriend. Maybe a year from now, maybe not even in Shanghai, but it will happen. Until then my first question when being approached by anyone will be..."do you have a girlfriend?"

...that won't get me anywhere either....

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