Friday, May 28, 2010

Friends come and go in Shanghai...

Living as an expat typically means living in a transient community with friends constantly coming and going. In this case, my good friend and boss, Devon, is leaving. She has been here from the beginning and she has definitely been a positive presence in my life both at work and outside of work. Even though she is moving on to bigger and better things like getting a Master's at the Teachers College at Columbia University, it will be sad to see her go! :( So... in true Shanghai style, what better way to kick off the beginning of the end of Shanghai for her than a BBQ at her apartment at the Ritz. Not a bad way to spend the day hunh? Not only did this mean gorgeous grounds for lying on their nicely cushioned lawn chairs while tanning in the sun, but also the use of their two gorgeous grills, a trampoline, a basketball/tennis/soccer field, a pool, and all while taking in the great views of the Shanghai skyline. A small group of friends spent the afternoon replicating a lazy Sunday for the average American with a backyard barbecue. We snaked on chips, salsa, and guacamole, drank corona and Tsingtao (just a little piece of China,) and grilled burgers and ribs. With Heinz Kethcup and Mustard, and Garden of Eden tortilla chips, what could be better? Its the small things that keeps us going. We got to see the sun set and the moon rise, took great action shots of trampoline jumping, dove into the pool with make shift swimsuits, or lack there of, and enjoyed our last days with Devon. Burgers, beer, friends, a pool...there was no other place I would have rather been.

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