Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wo de xin zi xing che

Damn that's a nice looking bike. Thank god I no longer have to deal with the subway commute and feeling like cattle being pushed through a gate. Now that spring has sprung what better time to ride to work and why not, invest in a new bike? I got a little tired of my seat coming off of my old bike and the medal scrapping against my pedal every time i rode...so what did i do? Upgrade. However, the good thing about my old rusty clicking bike is it blended in with most others, so not as likely to get stolen. This one, not so much. The white is pretty flashy and it is afterall, a pretty sexy bike. Hopefully the two locks I have will prevent it from getting stolen but when someone wants to steal a bike here it doesn't matter how many locks you have; it will get stolen. Anyway... fingers crossed it will be mine for the long haul.